Trade Direct Insurance FAQs
Common questions asked about Trade Direct Insurance cover.
Public Liability FAQs
Got a specific question on public liability insurance? Find out everything you need to know, including what it's designed for, the levels of cover, plus much more.
Tradesman FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about Tradesman insurance.
Tools FAQs
Whether you're looking for more information, or a specific answer, our Tools FAQ section should help you find what you're looking for.
Van FAQs
Looking for more information on whether van insurance is right for you? From general questions to specific scenarios, find the answer to your query.
Employer's Liability FAQs
Are you a small business who employs a number of staff? Find out everything you need to know about Employer's Liability insurance.
Fleet FAQs
Find out more about fleet insurance, including what it's designed to cover, levels of cover available, where insurance applies and information about No Claim Discounts.
SelfBuild FAQs
Are you building your dream home? Find out everything you need to know about self build insurance to make sure you're adequately covered.
Contract Works FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about Contract Works cover.
Hired In Plant FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about Hired In Plant cover.
Owned Plant FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about Owned Plant cover.
Professional Indemnity FAQs
Need to know more about our professional indemnity insurance? Find out what it is, who it's for and why it's important with our informed FAQs.
Construction FAQs
Frequently asked questions about construction insurance.
Small Business FAQs
Common questions asked about small business insurance.
Stock in Transit FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about Stock in Transit insurance.
Jury Service FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about Jury Service cover.
Builders FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions surrounding building trades and necessary insurance.
Plumbers FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions surrounding plumbing trades and necessary insurance.
Electricians FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions surrounding electrical trades and necessary insurance.
Heating Engineers FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions surrounding heating engineers insurance.
Bricklayers FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about bricklaying trades and necessary insurance.
Carpenters & Joiners FAQs
Frequently asked questions about carpenters and joiners insurance.
Painters & Decorators FAQs
Frequently asked questions about painters and decorators insurance.
Glazing FAQs
Commonly asked questions about glazing trades and necessary insurance.
Roofing & Scaffolding FAQs
Common questions asked about insurance for roofing and scaffolding trades.
Air Conditioning FAQs
Frequently asked questions about Air Conditioning insurance.
Landscaping & Drainage FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about Landscaping & Drainage trades and necessary insurance.
Cleaning FAQs
Common questions asked about insurance for cleaners.
Property Maintenance FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about property maintenance trades and necessary insurance.
Excavators FAQs
Find the answers to commonly asked questions about excavating trades and necessary insurance.
Aerial and Satellite Dish Installer FAQs
Commonly asked questions about aerial and sattelite dish installation insurance.
Masonry FAQs
Commonly asked questions about masonry insurance.
Interior Fittings FAQs
Common questions asked about insurance for interior trades.
Outbuilding Erection FAQs
Common questions asked about outbuilding erection insurance
Pest, Vermin, and Hygiene Installers FAQs
Commonly asked questions about pest, vermin, and hygiene installers insurance.